Riding Refinery
Re-Define The Way You Ride
As fire refines precious metals by removing impurities, so too does the time tested gymnastic training process of the Old School supples, strengthens, and improves the horse by removing stiffness from the joints and muscles. The trainer tests and refines the horse daily in arena.

“The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart.” Proverbs 17:3

Lessons & Coaching
Coming Soon
We are working to provide video consultations and lessons.
These services can include zoom video calls to discuss training issues and/or review videos you have taken of your own riding sessions. If you have live streaming video coaching technology such as PivoPod, SoloShot, Pixeo, or Swivl, live remote video lessons may be available.
Training Exercise Series
Coming Soon
Membership to a monthly discussion of useful training exercises.
On-line Learning

Coming Soon
We are in the midst of generating content for on-line learning via self paced and instructor led classes.
Some basic self paced courses in progress are as follows:
  • 30 Days to a Better Seat
  • Refining Your Ride
  • Secrets of the Spanish Riding School
  • Riding in Rhythm